Injecting nonpartisan evidence, condensed and distilled.
The policy-making process is a complicated one, and few economists have managed to have their ideas implemented exactly as they had envisioned them. To get some more insights on the topic, we sat down with editor-in-chief Florian Scheuer, Professor of Economics of Institutions at the University of Zurich, endowed by the UBS Center. The result is a collection of questions and answers discussing the upcoming publication series titled ‘UBS Center Policy Briefs’, published by the UBS International Center of Economics in Society. These videos were planned as an extra feature for the UBS Center Newsletter No. 11, adding value to Florian’s interview, which was foremost set in print.
“Regardless of whether we are exploring the real-world impact of technological progress, rising inequality, tax and trade policy, or changing social norms: our tools and insights are relevant for governments and businesses.”
“A policy brief is a condensed and non-technical version of our top research papers. It covers a complex issue in a way that can help readers understand and decide about government policies.”
“Future briefs will cover topics from the best way to provide insurance to farmers and how to enforce taxes in developing countries, to the design of trade policy, and the role of firms in the recent rise in top income inequality.”
“I am excited to help my colleagues’ research make its way into the hands of policy makers through this channel. Their expertise can give governments and businesses the rigorous and clear insights needed for informed debates and decisions.”
“Many developed countries have seen a dramatic increase in inequality in the past decades. We have made great progress in empirically documenting these trends, but the open question is: Which policy responses does this trend need?”
Ethics statement: These videos were produced by myself in my function as communications specialist at the UBS Center. The questions were edited by the Newsletter editorial team, of which I am also part of. Video production assistant credits go to Janine Moroni of the Department of Economics at the University of Zurich.