Dear Mr. Murakami

Dear Mr. Murakami,

Recently I finished reading your memoir centred on the act of running. Thank you for this book. I enjoyed it a lot. It made me think about my own relationship with running. And the choices you make in life based on the lessons experienced. Let me elaborate on some thoughts you talk about when you talk about running.

You mention the fluidity within action itself. How one’s quality of experience is based on awakening to its awareness. I think this get’s to the core essence of the runner’s high.

You’re grinding the miles and you enter the void, a zone were you find yourself elevated above the obvious goals.

And it’s true, you have to retain the flow or you will stall. But adulthood can be overwhelming with responsibilities and interruptions. You put it right: one needs to prioritise in life. It’s about dividing up your time and energy, absolutely. And there are times when you give it all until there’s nothing left.

I have to show my muscles who’s boss,” you say. I agree. And I take it as an inspiration that you respect your body at the same time. Giving it the rest it needs – from dusk til dawn.

I committed to running as a welcoming part of my life. Come weather come season, you simply go out there.

And as you write: “In the midst of this flow. I’m aware of myself as one tiny piece in the gigantic mosaic of nature.”

I dedicate this book to all the runners I’ve encountered on the road – those I’ve passed, and those who’ve passed me. Without all of you, I never would have kept on running.

Haruki Murakami (August 2007)

Ethics statement: This video was produced on my own behalf and represents my personal views. I am in no way affiliated with any companies or products mentioned.